5-Star Growing System for
5-Star Results ★★★★★
Based on years of growing, we’ve developed our 5-Star Growing System using our 5-Star Grow Recipe. You’ll get everything you need to grow.
✔ Plant Food, Vitamins, and Micronutrients
✔ Organic Pesticide Included
✔ Measuring Equipment
✔ Feeding Chart
It’s fun, easy to use, and you’ll be amazed at the quality home-grown
vegetables you’re able to grow.
What’s Included in Our 5-Star Grow Kit
1 Jar of Grow (5 fl. oz.) – Plant Food
1 Jar of Bloom (5 fl. oz.) – Plant Food
1 Jar of Micro (5 fl. oz.) – Plant Food
1 Jar of 604 (5 fl. oz.) – Plant Vitamins
1 Jar of 209 (5 fl. oz.) – Organic Pest Control
1 Empty Bottle to mix/feed
1 Measuring Syringe
1 Step by Step Feeding Chart
Everything You Need to Grow & Keep Pests Away
Our 5-Star Recipe Gives Your Plants All They Need
5-Star System Is Perfect for Almost Any Vegetable

Compare Our 5-Star Kit to Others

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SNS 5 Star Kit
See How Easy It Is To Mix & Use Our 5-Star System

Measure each 5 star ingredient

Fill watering can or bottle with water

Water over plants as needed
5-Star Growing System for 5-Star Results
You’ll get everything you need to grow & keep pests away
✔ Plant Food, Vitamins, and Micronutrients
✔ Organic Pesticide Included
✔ Measuring Equipment
✔ Feeding Chart
It’s fun, easy to use, and you’ll be amazed at the quality home-grown vegetables you’re able to grow.
5-Star User Success Stories
My system is quite low-budget, but I am happy to spend money on the organic liquid nutrients. I buy them from a local producer. The name of the company is “Sierra Natural Science,” a family owned company, located in Salinas, CA.
I stopped by and met the owner, Chad Dempsey. He took the time to explain to me the natural ingredients in his products. I began using his 5 step growing system, which is reasonably priced. My plants LOVE it!
I am just getting started, growing red onions, green onions, lettuce, celery, and garlic. The roots on these plants are amazing; thick and strong.
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Aximus natur ad endit, quia veleni cuptaes tiorenit odio molo to od et faces velessi
Bus dolorion pro eost od quias adiscimet explabore ea verspite non conseque duntion rest, a everum hillam quatio in nullaut accullorrunt abo. Nemporum nis dolupti onempor secepti ut labo. Itaeperro tem nobis cum dolut que consequatis exeris et dolliquatem hici que lacerum faccum voluptus eiunda alibus ea dolor sum eatus solorum quas earcia
velibuscium nimil et este iniminvel illorer ferion etus qui acepelit molorep eritia volupta dus et est fugias aspello voluptat faccum lit, ut am il iliquam inimped est faceste ctiostincid quasin nem
Aximus natur ad endit, quia veleni cuptaes tiorenit odio molo to od et faces velessi
Holy Tomatoes!
We are the Meeks family and we tried the 5 Star growing system from Sierra Natural Science and I think the pictures speak for themselves. The plants produced so many tomatoes, we were eating them at pretty much every meal. We had a couple other tomato plants that we did not use their kit and they did not produce as many. Thanks Sierra Natural Science!
Read More About Tomatoes
Green Onions
My system is quite low-budget, but I am happy to spend money on the organic liquid nutrients. I buy them from a local producer. The name of the company is “Sierra Natural Science,” a family owned company, located in Salinas, CA.
Read More About Green Onions
I stopped by and met the owner, Chad Dempsey. He took the time to explain to me the natural ingredients in his products. I began using his 5 step growing system, which is reasonably priced. My plants LOVE it!
I am just getting started, growing red onions, green onions, lettuce, celery, and garlic. The roots on these plants are amazing; thick and strong.
Bonnie in Salinas